Event Spotlight: Franco-Fête with Michel-Olivier Matte


Franco-Fête de Toronto is a free, family-friendly event that offers programming featuring French-speaking Ontario and Canadian artists and has been hosted at Yonge-Dundas Square (YDS) for the past five years! Franco-Fête aims to contribute to the vitality of Toronto and Ontario’s francophone culture by presenting social and cultural activities that reflect the vibrant community, in partnerships with the francophone media outlets of the region, community associations and school boards.

We spoke with one of the organizers of Franco-Fête, Michel-Olivier Matte, and got the scoop on what it is like hosting this renown event. Check it out!

Franco-Fête with Michel-Olivier Matte

Q & A

Q: How did you get into events?

A: I started as a music student organizing a fundraising concert for the student association of my school, le Conservatoire de musique. As I entered the professional world, I found myself surrounded by the right people at the right time. The event industry is a world of contacts!

Q: What can people expect at your event?

A: They can expect to be taken away by the marvelous world of Francophonie. It is an opportunity to discover francophone artists from all over the world who are big stars in their milieu. 

Q: Why do you host your event at Yonge-Dundas Square?

A: The Square is the best place in town for us to share our francophone pride with Torontonians and tourists. So many people gravitate towards this main intersection in the city.

Q: Has COVID-19 made you see your event differently? 

A: Yes. The virus forces us to reinvent our event and to set new objectives.

Q: How would you describe your event and the YDS experience to someone visiting the city for the first time? 

A: It is an opportunity for discovery. The French language is the second official language of Canada and millions of francophones live outside the province of Québec. Many tourists (and sometimes even Canadians) do not know that. It is exciting to be able to share that with them while they pass through the festival.

Franco-Fête with Michel-Olivier Matte

Q: What is the funniest/craziest thing that’s ever happened on event day?

A: One thing that happens quite often during the festival is that we’re asked by visitors or tourists what language the artists are singing or speaking in. When we say it is in French, they are very often surprised to hear that there are so many francophones in Toronto and elsewhere in Canada.

Q: What is the most challenging thing about producing your event?

A: Probably financing. Since our event is free to the public, we depend exclusively on grants and sponsorships.

Q: How can the community support your event as you move forward?

A: You can attend our online event in 2020 and come out to our 2021 event at the Square!

Q: What is your favourite Toronto event (other than your own, of course)?

A: I’m a big fan of jazz music so I’d have to say the TD Toronto Jazz Festival, most definitely.

Q: How can people get involved with your event?

A: If people wish to volunteer for our 2021 edition of Franco-Fête de Toronto, they can fill out the volunteer form available on our website.

For more information and to learn about the online 2020 event, visit: http://www.franco-fete.ca/