Event Spotlight: KidzFest with Cheryll Diego


KidzFest is a fun-filled, family-oriented event with rides, games, educational shows, stage entertainment, meet-and-greets with beloved children’s characters, and more! All the activities for the events are free for families to enjoy. KidzFest is hosted by the Downtown Yonge BIA and has been bringing the good times to Yonge-Dundas Square (YDS) for the past 12 years!

We chatted with one of the organizers of the event, Cheryll Diego, from Downtown Yonge who told us all about what it’s like to organize and host KidzFest. Check it out!

KidzFest with Cheryll Diego

Q & A

Q: How did you get into events?

A: My background is actually in television production and I used to produce educational TV shows. When I moved to Canada, I took a strategic marketing course and did a co-op with an events supplier company. Our clients included large festivals, private events, and everything in between. There, I helped put together entertainment and programming for events. I quickly realized that event production is very much the same as television production process…only at events, I can’t do take twos!

Q: What can people expect at your event?

A: Everything is free! We try and create experiences for families to have a day of fun and eliminate economic barriers. Last year, we brought in a carousel to have a nostalgic holiday feel! All of our events provide opportunities for people to connect and share a common experience. It’s not uncommon to see people from all walks of life come together, enjoy the festivities and engage in conversations. These events are great avenues to help us build a community.

Q: Why do you host your event at Yonge-Dundas Square?

A: We host KidzFest at Yonge-Dundas Square because of its location. It’s the core and the heart of Downtown. In terms of space, it provides us a good amount of space to do our builds and its central location makes it really accessible to people coming to the event. You also get the advantage of getting the incidental foot traffic.

Q: How has COVID-19 made you see your event differently? 

A: With the current situation, we’re forced to look at events happening beyond physical spaces. We’ve realized that more than ever, there’s a need for the community to connect and we can still do that through online events. In a way, it helped us accelerate the organization’s goals of creating virtual content by moving some of our events online. I am sure as we march ahead, the importance of events in physical spaces will be more apparent and the community will find creative ways to make these happen again.

KidzFest with Cheryll Diego

Q: What is the funniest/craziest thing that’s ever happened on event day?

A: At the time that it was happening, I wouldn’t say it was funny nor was it that crazy! But it was another event at YDS to light up the holiday tree. The main event was only 20-minutes book-ended by a concert. The 20-minutes involved a 30-foot truss for aerial dancers, which we rehearsed the day before and the morning off.

A couple hours prior to the start of the event, we started to get some rain. We regrouped as a team, and adjusted the show, eliminating the aerial dance, which was the biggest spend of the production. But then, a few minutes before the main show, the rain stopped and we quickly reassessed the risks and address safety concerns…and were able to revert back to the original plan. Let’s just say I was holding my breath and watched very closely for the that 4-6 minute routine!

Q: What is the most challenging thing about producing your event?

A: Having no control of the weather. You can only prepare so much as you’re still at the mercy of Mother Nature.

Q: How can the community support your event as you move forward?

A: The biggest support we can ask from the community is attending the events and supporting the businesses in the neighbourhood. We produce these events for the community and we want you to be there on site and online. The businesses within the Downtown Yonge BIA makes it possible for us to produce these events. They were there for us in the good times, and we’re hoping that you’ll be there now for them too.

Q: What is your favourite Toronto event (other than your own, of course)?

A: Too many to name! That’s what’s great about Toronto, there are so many events to enjoy.

Q: How can people get involved with your event?

A: You can reach out to us at bia@downtownyonge.com to be part of our events. Or if you  have an event concept or other idea that you want to explore and bring to the Downtown Yonge area, we’d love to chat with you!

For more information, visit: https://downtownyonge.com/series/kidzfest/